Sunday, August 17, 2008

we are here...

in any case...we have survived the summer...
dad has been to Oregon, and Eva and Emilio and I have been to Oregon (that is certainly a longer story) and now we are all settling ourselves into routines for this next season...

Summer, however, in California, is a long season. While Eva begins high school tomorrow, I still have two weeks off before the first day of school. Dad can remember those days, those early September days when you wonder who your students are, what their needs will be, how you will meet those needs, and how you will take care of yourself, on top of it all. Dad and I have had vastly different teaching experiences. I think that is to be expected, this is a different time, the needs of students are different.

I am excited to meet my new ninth graders. But tonight, I am excited for Eva. She has four wonderful years ahead of her.

Grandpa and I wish you the best, Eva. May you make sweet friends and love your studies and learn how to be a young woman who cares about her world...

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