Monday, January 12, 2009

California, we love thee

Our California, she is in trouble...

When you have lived here your whole life, you sort of grow accustomed to the good and the bad times in this the ever-changing cycles of prosperity and dearth...

Now, with a double-digit billion dollar deficit and an ever-more persistent drought, we natives are humbled...and sad. Our state is a mess, and our tendency toward largess has helped to make it a mess.

We can't manage money any better than the Wall Street hot-shots and all our wishing won't make the rain come. While I can say "We're all in this together" when discussing the global financial crisis, I can't still the Al Gore voice in my head that suggests that this dry spell is the one that will do us in...

There is no snow in the mountains...or rather, the few inches of snow, now dirty, that fell two weeks ago is just about dried up as the temperatures here in the valley hit 70.

Dad grew up in Michigan (where the snow continues to fall, and), where the failure of the auto industry is currently very bleak news. His attachment to California is through marriage and circumstance. I am a third generation Californian, and though I have struggled in the past to attach myself to a culture and a region, California, if by no other reason than default, is my home.

I love the beauty of this state, and its grand history. But I am also aware that the children in my city are more at risk than ever, that at my school more of our students are coming to us with profound and complex needs.

California, we love you. But our love now had better get tough...

we are parched, and our children are hungry...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Be still my Heart...

I received my invitation to the inauguration today. It was quite a moment. Now, there were no actual tickets enclosed, and I have no plans to attend the inauguration, but the thought counts...

I gave money to the campaign in the form of payment for Obama items, so I got put on that VERY long list. Still, I thought back to this morning, listening to Obama on NPR, elated that he soon will be OUR president. It is so very lovely, really. So delightful to think of him, and his family, there, in Washington...leading us.

I smile at odd moments, just considering this new reality. Yes, these are very difficult times and yes, the challenges are great. But there is a belief out there that these challenges will call out our presidents' greatest gifts and resources, and that he will show us the true nature of his being.

He is smart...and he has a village of smart, dare I say "young", visionary and hip people on his team.

My heart is beating with optimism and hope...

it's been a while.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Perhaps the words have found me again...

or perhaps our little fam has recovered from the events of 2008's twilight. We lost our dear Diane on September 20, Eva began her first year of high school, dad settled a bit more into life in Sacramento, and we made our way to our first Christmas without Diane's light and love of the holiday to guide us...

Here we are, 2009. We are grateful for a new (beautiful) president, our health, and the promise of a year that teaches us all more about peace and healing (local and global) and sharing our blessings and the grace we've been shown.


I will read a poem a day...
I will write more...