Thursday, January 8, 2009

Be still my Heart...

I received my invitation to the inauguration today. It was quite a moment. Now, there were no actual tickets enclosed, and I have no plans to attend the inauguration, but the thought counts...

I gave money to the campaign in the form of payment for Obama items, so I got put on that VERY long list. Still, I thought back to this morning, listening to Obama on NPR, elated that he soon will be OUR president. It is so very lovely, really. So delightful to think of him, and his family, there, in Washington...leading us.

I smile at odd moments, just considering this new reality. Yes, these are very difficult times and yes, the challenges are great. But there is a belief out there that these challenges will call out our presidents' greatest gifts and resources, and that he will show us the true nature of his being.

He is smart...and he has a village of smart, dare I say "young", visionary and hip people on his team.

My heart is beating with optimism and hope...

it's been a while.

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